Guest Houses In Srirangam

Guest Houses In Srirangam

Guest Houses in Srirangam. Guest houses in India have been synonymous with home stays, reasonably priced accommodation and a casual setup. Not any more – with hotel aggregators, OTAs and even star hotels getting into the alternative stay market, the market is evolving fast. Customer expectations are higher than they have ever been and service standard are only on their way up.
The personalization of guest experience before their arrival is no longer a luxury but a mandatory requirement for the hoteliers to survive. At present, most travellers book a hotel to experience a pampered feeling than just to stay in a comfortable hotel room. Let’s look at some of the simple ways to enhance their pre-arrival experience.
1) Confirm the booking
This should be the first point of contact you must make with the guest after they have finished booking. Start with emailing your guests, thanking them for booking with your hotel and then include the details of their booking. Finally, attach your social media profiles at the bottom of the e-mail to enable them to connect with them if any issue arises. This way, you indicate to them that you are concerned about their needs and that you are ever-ready to help them.
2) Customize their experience
Each and every guest has their personal preferences like a cotton bed sheet, a room with beautiful scenery, a place to smoke, and so on. Send them a survey over mail, a week before their arrival, to know more about their preferences. This reduces the hassle for both the staff as well as the guest. This will help the guest have a seamless hotel experience and also help the employee’s full fill last-minute guest requests.
3) Up sell strategically
It makes no sense for you to offer a romantic hotel stay for two to a family of five. It will be better to offer a family, a family-style activity and romantic dinner only to couples. Use the information collected from your customer surveys and offers the up sell strategically to increase bookings which in turn will increase the revenue of the hotel too.



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